Carol of the Bells
God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen
Bethlehem signifies the beginning on earth of the mission which the Son received from the Father, the mission which is at the heart of our reflections during this 10th World Youth Day. In today’s liturgy we find a magnificent commentary on the theme of the World Youth Day: “As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.” Isaiah says, “For there is a child born for us, a son given to us: And dominion is laid on his shoulders” (9:5). That child came from the Father as the Prince of Peace, and his coming brought light into the world (cf. Jn. 1:5).
Dear brothers and sisters of the church in the Philippines, dear young people of the 10th World Youth Day: The deepest source of our joy is the fact that the Father sent the Son to save the world. The Son takes upon himself the weight of the sins of humanity, and in this way redeems us and guides us on the path that leads to union with the Most Blessed Trinity.
What does this mean? It means that we are ready to do our part in the Lord’s mission. Every Christian shares in the mission of Christ in a unique and personal way. Bishops, priests and deacons share in Christ’s mission through the ordained ministry. Men and women religious share in it through the spousal love manifested in the spirit of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience. The Christian laity share in Christ’s mission: the fathers and mothers of families, old people, young people and children.
On the 400th anniversary of its ecclesiastical independence and the setting up of its own hierarchical structure, the church in the Philippines is called to a profound renewal. The final document says, “All the lay faithful are called to heal and transform society, to prepare the temporal order for the final establishment of the kingdom of God” (No. 435).
Within this commitment of the whole people of God, what is the role of young people in continuing the Messianic mission of Christ? We have already meditated on this during the World Youth Day and especially last night at the vigil. I will add one specific challenge and appeal, which involves the healing of a source of immense frustration and suffering in many families all over the world.
How many young people think they are free because they have thrown off every restraint and every principle of responsibility? How many of them think that because certain forms of behavior are socially accepted they are therefore morally right? They abuse the beautiful gift of sexuality; they abuse drink and drugs, thinking that such behavior is all right because certain sectors of society tolerate it. Objective moral norms are abandoned under peer pressure and under the pervasive influence of trends and fashions publicized by the media. Millions of young people the world over are falling into subtle but real forms of moral slavery.
Build your lives on the one model that will not deceive you! I invite you to open the Gospel and discover that Jesus Christ wants to be your “friend” (cf. Jn. 15:14). He wants to be your “companion” at every stage on the road of life (cf. Lk. 24:13-35). He wants to be the “way,” your path through the anxieties, doubts, hopes and dreams of happiness (cf. Jn. 14:6).
He is your “resurrection,” your victory over sin and death, the fulfillment of your desire to live forever (cf. Jn. 11:25). Because of this he will be your “joy,” the “rock” on which your weakness will be turned into strength and optimism.
He is our salvation, our hope and happiness and peace. When Christ becomes all of this for you, the world and the church will have solid reasons for hope for the future. For on you will depend the third millennium, which sometimes appears as a marvelous new epoch for humanity but which also raises not a few fears and anxieties. I say this as one who has lived through a large portion of the 20th century, which is now coming to an end. In this century many sad and destructive things have happened, but at the same time we have experienced so many good things which sustain our hope and optimism.
The future depends on your maturity! The church looks to the future with confidence when she hears from your lips the same answer that Jesus gave Mary and Joseph when they found him in the temple: “Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?” (Lk. 2:49)
Dear young people: The 10th World Youth Day is coming to a close. It is time to commit yourselves more fully to following Christ in the fulfillment of his saving mission. Every form of the apostolate and every kind of service must have its source in Christ.
Dear young people of the Philippines, of Asia, of the Far East and of the entire world: Be a sign of hope for the church, for your countries and for all humanity! May your light spread out from Manila to the farthest comers of the world, like the “great light” which shone in the night at Bethlehem. Be sons and daughters of the light!
Dear people of God .. go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth-your own world first, your families, your communities and the nation to which you belong and which you love; and the wider world ..
May God who began this work in you—400 years ago—bring it to completion in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ! (cf. Phil. 1:6). Amen.
Ding dong merrily on high,
In heav’n the bells are ringing:
Ding dong! verily the sky
Is riv’n with angel singing
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
E’en so here below, below,
Let steeple bells be swungen,
And “Io, io, io!”
By priest and people sungen
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
Pray you, dutifully prime
Your matin chime, ye ringers,
May you beautifully rhyme
Your eve’time song, ye singers
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!