Author Archives: monks4christ

All Souls Day

A first essential setting for learning hope is prayer. When no one listens to me any more, God still listens to me. When I can no longer talk to anyone or call upon anyone, I can always talk to God. When there is no longer anyone to help me deal with a need or expectation that goes beyond the human capacity for hope, he can help me. When I have been plunged into complete solitude … if I pray I am never totally alone.

This early Jewish idea of an intermediate state ( Purgatory ) includes the view that these souls are not simply in a sort of temporary custody but, as the parable of the rich man illustrates … are experiencing a provisional form of bliss. There is also the idea that this state can involve purification and healing which mature the soul for communion with God.

Pope Benedict XVI

At the Tombstone

On Saturday after being consecrated to St. Joseph, and after Mass celebration we drove down to Tombstone ( Arizona ) to evangelize. We set up in front of the Tombstone Visitor Center and had our Rosaries, Medals, Pamphlets ready. Many people took our Rosary and our Medals and we got to speak to many fallen-away Catholics.

One lady was so happy to see us, she wanted to take almost all of our pamphlets and a few Rosaries and all the Medals – Miraculous and St. Michael. A mother and daughter spoke to us and the mother was a practicing Catholic and her daughter wasn’t. Ed told the daughter St. Augustine’s quote: “We came from you O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Ed told her that everything in life – money, jobs, cars, homes, clothes, people – nothing will make you permanently happy until you get a relationship with God. They last a short time but they all go away.

Robert spoke with a young gentleman and got in a deep discussion with him and was giving him brochures and medals and telling him about the joy of Catholicism. We prayed over a young lady and asked the Lord to heal her daughter and we also spoke to two young ladies, whose husbands were deployed in the military. They were both from Sierra Vista so Ed gave him his card and asked them to listen to the MP3s on the back of the card to learn about our Faith. They were very excited about listening to it. And we spoke to a middle aged lady who loved what we gave her so much, she asked if she could hug each of us!

Praised be Jesus Christ! We handed out approximately 125 rosaries, about 100 pamphlets and about 150 Medals. Overall a very fruitful day.

Saint Paul Street Evangelization

the Healing Rosary

Healing through the ROSARY . WEB

In the year 2000 our son was a teenager going through a very rough time. I could see the spirit of the world trying to pull him away from our family and take him into a dark world. Within our home there was suddenly a lot of turmoil. I was a full time mother so I could see how troubled our son was becoming but I did not know how to handle it.

During my daily holy hour I began to pray the rosary specifically for our son to be delivered away from all the bad influences and temptations that were pulling him down. I prayed the Glorious Mysteries because I was interceding for my son’s resurrection. While meditating on the Glorious Mysteries, I claimed for my son the grace of each mystery …

St John of Capistrano

Those who are called to the table of the Lord must glow with the brightness that comes from the good example of a praiseworthy and blameless life. They must learn from the eminent teacher, Jesus Christ who said ‘You are the light of the world’ (see Matthew 5:14). Now a light does not illumine itself, but instead it diffuses its rays and shines all around upon everything that comes into its view. So it must be with the glowing lives of upright and holy clerics. By the brightness of their holiness they must bring light and serenity to all who gaze upon them. They have been placed here to care for others. Their own lives should be an example to others, showing how they must live in the house of the Lord.

St John of Capistrano