Category Archives: Saints and Blesseds

Saint Therese

Holiness consists simply in doing God’s will
and being just what God wants us to be.

If I did not simply live from one moment to another, it would be impossible for me to be patient; but I only look at the present, I forget the past, and I take good care not to forestall the future.

I learned from experience that joy does not reside in the things about us
but in the very depths of the soul.

Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.

St Therese of Lisieux

Feast of the Guardian Angels . Monday

You should be aware that the word “angel” denotes a function rather than a nature. Those holy spirits of heaven have indeed always been spirits. They can only be called angels when they deliver some message. Moreover, those who deliver messages of lesser importance are called angels; and those who proclaim messages of supreme importance are called archangels. And so it was that not merely an angel but the archangel Gabriel was sent to the Virgin Mary. It was only fitting that the highest angel should come to announce the greatest of all messages.

~ St Gregory the Great

“Beside each believer stands an Angel as protector
and shepherd, leading him to life.”

St Basil the Great

“If we only got to heaven, what a sweet and easy thing it will be
there to be always saying with the angels and the saints
‘Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus.’ ”

~ St Philip Neri


Heavenly Father,

Your infinite love for us has chosen a blessed Angel in heaven and appointed him our guide during this earthly pilgrimage. Accept our thanks for so great a blessing. Grant that we may experience the assistance of our holy protector in all our necessities.

And you, holy, loving angel and guide, watch over us with all the tenderness of your angelic heart. Keep us always on the way that leads to heaven, and cease not to pray for us until we have attained our final destiny, eternal salvation. Then we shall love you for all eternity. We shall praise you in God unceasingly for all the good you have done for us while here on earth. Be a faithful and watchful protector of our family and friends. Lighten, O you perfect servants of God, our task. Guide our family and our Church so that we may become like unto Jesus, may imitate him faithfully, and persevere till we attain eternal life.


Feast of the Holy Archangels

“Let us affectionately love His angels as counselors and defenders appointed by the Father and placed over us. They are faithful; they are prudent; they are powerful; Let us only follow them, let us remain close to them, andin the protection of the God of heaven let us abide.”

~ St Bernard of Clairvaux

The only true riches are those that make us rich in virtue. Therefore, if you want to be rich, beloved, love true riches. If you aspire to the heights of real honor, strive to reach the kingdom of Heaven. If you value rank and renown, hasten to be enrolled in the heavenly court of the Angels.

~ St Gregory the Great

Invisibly, through the ministry of angels, the Spirit of God, whom even the mind’s eye cannot see, baptizes into himself both our souls and bodies, giving us a new birth.

~ Didymus of Alexandria

“I am Rafael, one of the seven angels who stand and serve before the Glory of the Lord … A king’s secret should be kept secret, but one must declare the works of God and give thanks with due honor. Do good, and evil will not overtake you.”

~ St Rafael the Archangel ( Book of Tobit )

St Vincent de Paul . Feast on Wednesday

“Make it a practice to judge persons and things
in the most favorable light at all times
and under all circumstances.”

“The kingdom of God is peace in the Holy Spirit; He will reign in you
if your heart is at peace. So, be at peace and you will honor in a
sovereign way the God of peace and love.”

“Let us allow God to act; He brings things
to completion when we least expect it.”

St Vincent De Paul

the Key to God’s heart

Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips but with your heart. In fact, on certain occasions, you should only speak to Him with your heart.

Do not be so given to the activity of Martha as to forget the silence of Mary. May the Virgin who so well reconciled the one with the other be your sweet model and inspiration.

Pray, hope and don’t worry. Worry is useless.
Our Merciful Lord will listen to your prayer.

Padre Pio

“It would be easier for the world to exist without the sun
than without the Holy Mass”

“Kneel down and render the tribute of your presence and devotion
to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confide all your needs to him,
along with those of others.”

“The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against self;
there is no flowering of the soul to the beauty of its perfection
except at the price of pain”

“The best means of guarding yourself against temptation are the following: watch your senses to save them from dangerous temptation, avoid vanity,do not let your heart become exalted, convince yourself of the evil of complacency, flee away from hate, Pray whenever possible.”

Padre Pio