Category Archives: Marian Consecration

the Beautiful Motherhood of Mary

“O Blessed Mary, whoever loves you honors God; whoever serves you pleases God; whoever invokes your holy name with a pure heart will infallibly receive the object of his petition.”

“Go to this Mother of Mercy, and show her the wounds which thy sins have left on thy soul; then will she certainly entreat her Son, by the breast that gave him suck, to pardon thee all. And this divine Son, who loves her so tenderly, will most certainly grant her petition”

“Mary is that happy ark, in which those who take refuge will never suffer the shipwreck of eternal perdition”

St. Bernard of Clairveaux

Holy Family Novena

Novena . WEB

Lord Jesus Christ, being subject to Mary and Joseph, You sanctified family life by Your beautiful virtues. Grant that we, with the help of Mary and Joseph, may be taught by the example of Your holy Family, and may after death enjoy its everlasting companionship.

Lord Jesus, help us ever to follow the example of Your holy Family, that in the hour of our death Your glorious Virgin Mother together with Saint Joseph may come to meet us, and we may be worthy to be received by You into the everlasting joys of heaven. You live and reign forever. Amen.

O Come Divine Messiah . VID

1 . O come, divine Messiah;
The world in silence waits the day
When hope shall sing its triumph
And sadness flee away.


Dear Savior, haste! Come, come to earth.
Dispel the night and show your face,
and bid us hail the dawn of grace.

O come, divine Messiah;
the world in silence waits the day
when hope shall sing its triumph
and sadness flee away.

2 . O Christ, whom nations sigh for,
Whom priest and prophet long foretold,
Come, break the captive’s fetters,
Redeem the long-lost fold.

3 . You come in peace and meekness
And lowly will your cradle be;
All clothed in human weakness
Shall we your Godhead see.