Category Archives: Marian Consecration

Columbus Day . The Marian Mission

In 1992, Jesuit Father John Hardon gave a series of exceptional talks on Columbus for the 500th anniversary of the Catholic discovery of America. He brought to light many vital facts overlooked or ignored by secular historians.

“The underlying motive of Columbus’ historic voyage was the conversion of those who did not know Christ as the living Son of God and son of Mary,” stressed Father Hardon. “Throughout the log, Columbus makes it clear he and his men are sailing across the Atlantic to spread the good news of salvation and convert the natives to Christianity.”

Columbus was deeply devoted to Our Lady. His writings disclose childlike dependence on her. He named his flagship the Santa Maria — Holy Mary. A favorite prayer was “May Jesus with Mary be with us on the way.” For safety in a storm he promised his first act of thanksgiving on returning home would be a pilgrimage to the shrine of Santa María de Guadalupe in southern Spain.

From the National Catholic Register website



The Most Holy Name of Mary

“The name of Mary is free from all vice and resplendent with every virtue”- Saint Bonaventure

“Dei matris nomen sit mihi ultimus linguae loquentis motus,” “May the name of the Mother of God be for me the last movement of my tongue!” – Blessed Bartolomo

“Let us pray, then, my devout reader, let us pray God to grant us this grace, that the last word we pronounce at death may be the name of Mary.” – Saint Alphonsus Liguori

“May Jesus Christ, thy son, bestow the gifts of his grace on thy servants, who invoke the sweet name of Mary.” – Saint Bernard
