Category Archives: Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Practices

the Healing Rosary

Healing through the ROSARY . WEB

In the year 2000 our son was a teenager going through a very rough time. I could see the spirit of the world trying to pull him away from our family and take him into a dark world. Within our home there was suddenly a lot of turmoil. I was a full time mother so I could see how troubled our son was becoming but I did not know how to handle it.

During my daily holy hour I began to pray the rosary specifically for our son to be delivered away from all the bad influences and temptations that were pulling him down. I prayed the Glorious Mysteries because I was interceding for my son’s resurrection. While meditating on the Glorious Mysteries, I claimed for my son the grace of each mystery …

Pope St John Paul II . Sunday

Young pilgrims, Christ needs you to enlighten the world and to show it the “path to life” ( Psalm 16 ) The challenge is to make the Church’s “yes” to Life concrete and effective. The struggle will be long, and it needs each one of you. Place your intelligence, your talents, your enthusiasm, your compassion and your fortitude at the service of life !

At this stage of history, the liberating message of the Gospel of Life has been put into your hands. And the mission of proclaiming it to the ends of the earth is now passing to your generation.

The Church needs your energies, your enthusiasm, your youthful ideals, in order to make the Gospel of Life penetrate the fabric of society, transforming people’s hearts and the structures of society in order to create a civilization of true justice and love.

You young people .. know that the Truth is more powerful than darkness; that Love is stronger than death. I would like to invite each of you to listen careful to God’s voice in your heart. Listen to his voice. Do not be afraid.

Pope St John Paul II

Saint Teresa of Avila

Let nothing Disturb you, Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing. God does not change.
Patience wins all things. For God alone suffices.

Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love
for they enkindle and melt the soul.

May today bring you inner peace. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let God’s presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Saint Teresa

October . Month of the Holy Rosary

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that, we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord.


St John Henry Newman

I shall do good, I shall do God’s work; I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it, if I do but keep His commandments and serve Him in my calling.

Dear Lord…shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Your presence in my soul…Let me thus praise You in the way You love best, by shining on those around me.

God knows what is my greatest happiness, but I do not. Thus God leads us by strange ways; we know He wills our happiness, but we neither know what our happiness is, nor the way.

I will trust Him. Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him; in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him; if I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him. My sickness, or perplexity, or sorrow may be necessary causes of some great end, which is quite beyond us. He does nothing in vain.

St John Henry Newman

Art from www portraitsofsaints com

Columbus Day . the Marian Mission

In 1992, Jesuit Father John Hardon gave a series of exceptional talks on Columbus for the 500th anniversary of the Catholic discovery of America. He brought to light many vital facts overlooked or ignored by secular historians.

“The underlying motive of Columbus’ historic voyage was the conversion of those who did not know Christ as the living Son of God and son of Mary,” stressed Father Hardon. “Throughout the log, Columbus makes it clear he and his men are sailing across the Atlantic to spread the good news of salvation and convert the natives to Christianity.”

Columbus was deeply devoted to Our Lady. His writings disclose childlike dependence on her. He named his flagship the Santa Maria — Holy Mary. A favorite prayer was “May Jesus with Mary be with us on the way.” For safety in a storm he promised his first act of thanksgiving on returning home would be a pilgrimage to the shrine of Santa María de Guadalupe in southern Spain.

from the National Catholic Register

Knights of Columbus Documentary . WEB