Symposium Speakers
Rev. Boniface Hicks, OSB
“St. Joseph presides over this intentional surrender to childlike obedience [which] takes place in St. Teresa’s fourth mansion [and] Joseph holds the lantern for us that can help us navigate this night,” explains former atheist, Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB, author of Through the Heart of St. Joseph and spiritual director. His talk will unveil how Joseph is a “secret weapon” of the spiritual life who can “increase” our spiritual wisdom and pace up the holy mountain.
Rev. Edward Looney
The Founder of JSI will give the Inaugural Address, giving us a thumbnail sketch of JSI’s hope and dreams, its inception, mission, goals, and an overview of the symposium’s theme and speakers.
Dr. Robert Fastiggi
This talk will explore Joseph’s role in God’s plan of Redemption, the requisite special graces he was given, his unique proximity to the order of the hypostatic union, such that, as Mary, the virgin God-bearer, can be called Coredemptrix because of her maternal cooperation with the Redeemer, is it possible to call Joseph, the virgin God-raiser, a Coredemptor due to his paternal cooperation with the Redeemer?
Dr. Christopher West
If Theology of the Body is a theological time-bomb set to explode in our millennium, then St. Joseph is its fuse! Dr. Christopher West, a spark-plug speaker and author himself, will ignite your understanding on Joseph’s manly purity and total gift of self in this dynamite talk steeped in the mind of John Paul II.
Dr. Elizabeth Lev
Art historian Dr. Elizabeth Lev, based in Rome, will provide a visual tour de force of Josephological art from the 200s AD up to present day, exploring how Joseph is “a beacon” today for godly fatherhood, masculinity, and chastity as she writes in her book Silent Knight.
Free Registration
Online Event
March 20, 2025
Praise God! ❤️