Stations of the Cross

Stations . WEB

Blessed are the merciful, because they shall obtain mercy
says the Scripture. Mercy is not the least of the beatitudes.

Not even night should interrupt you in your duty of mercy. Do not say: Come back and I will give you something tomorrow. There should be no delay between your intention and your good deed. Generosity is the one thing that cannot admit of delay.

What a marvellous reward there will be: Your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will rise up quickly. Who would not aspire to light and healing.

If you think that I have something to say, servants of Christ, his brethren and co-heirs, let us visit Christ whenever we may; let us care for him, feed him, clothe him, welcome him, honour him, not only at a meal, as some have done, or by anointing him, as Mary did, or only by lending him a tomb, like Joseph of Arimathaea, or by arranging for his burial, like Nicodemus, who loved Christ half-heartedly, or by giving him gold, frankincense and myrrh, like the Magi before all these others.

Let us then show him mercy in the persons of the poor and those who today are lying on the ground, so that when we come to leave this world they may receive us into everlasting dwelling places, in Christ our Lord himself, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen

St Gregory Nazianzen

One thought on “Stations of the Cross

  1. Mary Taylor

    Dearest Father Boniface,
    I had the opportunity to watch the second session of your ICC retreat today. I am a secular Carmelite and I have studied and taught St. Therese for many years. I have found Fr. Frederick Miller’s work to be the most helpful in understanding and explaining her Oblation to the Merciful Heart of Christ, but you took me to a new level today Father! You were simply magnificent. Thank you. And may St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face richly intercede for you!
    And may God reward you!


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