“He who knows how to forgive prepares for himself many graces from God.
As often as I look upon the cross, so often will I forgive with all my heart.”
“Suffering is a great grace; through suffering the soul becomes like the Savior;
in suffering love becomes crystallized;
“I will not allow myself to be so absorbed in the whirlwind of work as to forget about God.
I will spend all my free moments at the feet of the Master hidden in the Blessed Sacrament.”
A soul does not benefit as it should from the sacrament of confession if it is not humble. Pride keeps it in darkness. The soul neither knows how, nor is it willing, to probe with precision the depths of its own misery. It puts on a mask and avoids everything that might bring it recovery.”
“’My daughter, have fear of nothing; I am always with you. All your adversaries will harm you only to the degree that I permit them to do so. You are my dwelling place and my constant repose. For your sake I will withhold the hand which punishes; for your sake I bless the earth.’”
~ St Faustina Kowalska