Saint Monica

From the Confessions of St Augustine

Eternal Wisdom

Because the day when she ( St Monica ) was to leave this life was drawing near – a day known to you, though we were ignorant of it – she and I happened to be alone, through (as I believe) the mysterious workings of your will. We stood leaning against a window which looked out on a garden within the house where we were staying, at Ostia on the Tiber; for there, far from the crowds, we were recruiting our strength after the long journey ..

We were alone, conferring very intimately. Forgetting what lay in the past, and stretching out to what was ahead, we enquired between ourselves, in the light of present truth, into what you are and what the eternal life of the saints would be like, for Eye has not seen nor ear heard nor human heart conceived it. And yet, with the mouth of our hearts wide open we panted thirstily for the celestial streams of your fountain, the fount of life which is with you.

This was the substance of our talk, though not the exact words. Yet you know, O Lord, how on that very day, amid this talk of ours that seemed to make the world with all its charms grow cheap, she said, “For my part, my son, I no longer find pleasure in anything that this life holds .. One thing only there was for which I desired to linger in this life: to see you a Catholic Christian before I died. And my God has granted this to me more lavishly than I could have hoped, letting me see even you spurning earthly happiness to be his servant.

Shortly afterwards, addressing us both, she said, “Lay this body anywhere, and take no trouble over it. One thing only do I ask of you, that you remember me at the altar of the Lord wherever you may be”.

One thought on “Saint Monica

  1. Mary Taylor

    Father Boniface,
    Thank you for the beautiful quote. We have a St. Monica Holy Hour on a monthly basis in our parish ( St. Margaret Mary in Harrisburg).
    It was developed in the Allentown Diocese, with the approval of Bishop Schlert. A different priest presides each month. Our bishops have, and will be presiders as well! And attendance is growing.
    It is heartbreaking but beautiful to see so many parents crying before the Blessed Sacrament and pleading, through the intercession of St. Monica for the return of their prodigals to Holy Mother Church.
    (and p.s., isn’t that St. Rita?!)
    With prayers for you,
    Mary Taylor OCSD


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