A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew:
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them, and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:1-4)
When Saint Therese of Lisieux was asked on her death bed what it means to remain little, she replied:
“It is to recognize our nothingness, to expect everything from God as a little child expects everything from her father; it is to be disquieted about nothing, and not to be set on making our [own] living. Even among the poor, they give the child what is necessary, but as soon as she grows up, her father no longer wants to feed her and says: ‘Work now, you can take care of yourself.’
“It was so as not to hear this that I never wanted to grow up, feeling that I was incapable of making my [own] living, the eternal life of heaven.
“To be little is not attributing to oneself the virtues that one practices, believing oneself capable of anything, but recognizing that God places this treasure in the hands of His little child to be used when necessary; but it remains always God’s treasure. Finally, it is not to become discouraged over one’s faults, for children fall often, but they are too little to hurt themselves very much.” (St. Therese of Lisieux, Her Last Conversations, pp. 138-139)
How do I view myself? Am I impressed with my virtues, accomplishes, skills, gifts, degrees, salary, moral perfection, knowledge, eloquence of speech? Do I recognize that everything I have I have received, even my own life, my own being? Do I get discouraged over my faults? Do I beat myself up when I fail or do I cast myself into the hands of God, trusting in the infinite love of my Heavenly Father? Do I allow my failures to remind me that I am simply a little child in Mary’s womb, still developing with a long way to go, but trusting I will grow into a saint in God’s time?
Ave Maris Stella or Sub Turm Praesidium
Dominican Litany of Humility
Litany of the Holy Spirit
Prayer of Entrustment to the Womb of Mary