With our lamps burning, keep watch for the Lord
You who are earth born and you who are mortal hear this ! You who are in the dust awake and sing praise. A physician is coming to the sick, a redeemer to those who have been sold, a path to wanderers and life for the dead.
If we were in the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, where no foe enters we would have nothing to fear. ( Heb 9:11-12 ) As it is we are exposed to the three malign and powerful winds: the flesh, the devil and the world. These attempt to extinguish the enlightened conscience by blowing evil desires and illicit impulses into our hearts spinning you around so suddenly that you scarcely know where you are going. Therefore the soul must be sheltered by both pair of hands for fear that what has already been lighted may be extinguished. We must choose to burn rather then to give way. We must never forget the interests of our souls and we should make this the chief occupation of our hearts.
So then once our loins are thus girded and our lamps are burning, we must keep watch by night over the flock of our thoughts and actions. ( Lk 2:8 ) Then whether the Lord comes in the first watch or in the second or in the third he will find us prepared. The first watch is uprightness of action – trying to bring your whole life into line with the Rule you have vowed. The second is purity of intention. Whatever you do you should do for God’s sake. The third is the safeguarding of unity so that situated as you are in a community, you put what others want before what you want. We are building up our faith so that if we cannot see the wonders reserved for us, we can at least contemplate something of the wonders that have been done for us on earth.
The Holy Spirit too is waiting for us. The Spirit is the godly love and graciousness to which we have been predestined from eternity and most surely he wants to have accomplished what he has predestined. So then, since the wedding is ready and the whole throng of the heavenly court is longing and waiting for us, let us not run aimlessly; let us run with desires and with progress in the virtues. To get under way is to progress.
Let each one of us say, Look on me and have mercy according to the judgment of those who love your name. May your will be done. In the meantime, let this be our consolation, dearly beloved, until we go forth: that the Lord may be with us. May he by his great mercy bring us to that happy going forth and to that shining tomorrow.
The herald of the day then is also the one who cries out, be sober, be vigilant. ( John 12:32 ) The night is far gone the day is near. Let us cast off the world of darkness and put on the armor of light ! He is drawing all things to himself , he who is over all, God Blessed forever. Amen.
St Bernard of Clairvaux
the Advent Sermons